What Does It Mean To Be Bisexual?

bisexual lgbtq sexuality Sep 18, 2024

In their mid-twenties, my oldest, who I knew to be non-binary, came out to us as being transgender and bisexual. At the time, I wasn't sure what surprised me more: learning they identified as transgender or learning they identified as bisexual.


As I was learning more and more about gender and sexuality after having learned Leo was transgender, neither shouldn't have surprised me at all, really. Still, Ember had identified as gay for such a long time that thinking of them as anything but just felt wrong.


Merriam-Webster defines bisexual as "relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one's same sex and of the opposite sex." Bisexuality is a sexual orientation, and bisexual people (abbreviated to 'bi') are those who form attraction and/or relationships with more than one gender. Those attractions may not happen simultaneously, look the same way with each gender, or even be to the same degree.


Just because the prefix 'bi' means two does not mean bisexual people are only attracted to the binary genders.


Bisexual people can be attracted to people of any gender. It's important to know that pansexuality is a sexual orientation where people are attracted to people of any gender or regardless of their gender. Sometimes, these two terms are used interchangeably. However, many people identify as either bisexual or pansexual.


It's polite to ask people which word they would like to use to describe their attraction.


According to a 2022 Gallup Pole, more than half of LGBTQ+ Americans identify as bisexual, making them the largest single group in the LGBTQ+ community. Bisexual is the most common LGBT status among Gen Z, millennials, and Gen X (PFLAG).


It's likely you know someone in a bisexual relationship and don't know it. Just because a bisexual person is in a relationship with a person of one gender doesn't mean they have 'chosen' that gender over another. It simply means they have found someone they care for and love, just like anyone else.


The most respectful thing you can do when interacting with a bisexual person is not to make assumptions.


Here are some ways you can support the bisexual community:

  1. Learn what it means to be bisexual. Do your own research and learn the many ways people can be attracted to each other.
  2. Use social media to share information and resources. Advocate for the bisexual community, especially during September, which is Bisexual Awareness Month.
  3. Let go of your own Biases. As you learn and grow, question what you have internalized about bisexual people and those with different sexualities than your own.


The world is a beautiful place, and it becomes more beautiful when we can all love whomever we choose in whichever way we desire.



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